
Gianforte Farm

USDA Certified Organic

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The Gianforte Farm tills 250 acres of Honeoye soils in the rolling hilltops north of Cazenovia, New York. Success in organic farming represents a delicate dance between crop selection, tillage practices, weather and timing to produce a good crop yield and reduce weeds and pests. Any given year we grow up to 10 different organic grains and row crops as well as underseed fields with legumes to bolster fertility. Soil health is carefully monitored and enhanced through crop selection and periodic use of soil amendments such as gypsum and compost.

Our organic crops are sold throughout the northeastern United States as food grade for human consumption, as organic animal feed, or as seed.
Gianforte Farm products are:
Organic- The Gianforte Farm has grown grain sustainably in central New York for 38 years. Our entire farm has been certified organic since 2000.
Local- All of our products are grown, cleaned, stored and bagged on our farm in Cazenovia, New York. Any production steps we cannot do will be performed in central New York.
Fresh – Our flour and cereal is ground for your order so that it is as fresh as the tomato you pick from your garden and a home-brewed cup of coffee. All products are checked one last time before grinding or bagging to ensure that only the highest quality will be delivered.

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